springtails on substrate

Bioactive Terrarium


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terrarium substrate mixterrarium substrate mix
springtails on clayspringtails in terrarium
oak leaf litter up closebags of oak leaf litter
Sale priceFrom $5.95 USD
powder orange isopodpowder orange isopod on plant
cork barkcork bark
Sale priceFrom $4.95 USD
dwarf white isopod on cork barkdwarf white isopod on leaf
magnolia seed podmagnolia seed pod
dairy cow isopoddairy cow isopod
worm castingsworm castings
Cholla Wood (6" Branches)Cholla Wood (6" Branches)
Sale priceFrom $3.95 USD
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Sphagnum Moss (Premium Long-Fiber)Sphagnum Moss (Premium Long-Fiber)
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dwarf purple isopod on wooddwarf purple isopod size comparison
powder blue isopod on leafpowder blue isopod on leaf
Magnolia Leaf LitterMagnolia Leaf Litter
Sale priceFrom $5.95 USD
Porcellio Laevis Orange isopodsPorcellio Laevis Orange isopods
oreo crumble isopodsoreo crumble isopod
Porcellio Scaber Ghost isopodsPorcellio Scaber Ghost isopods
Orange Cream Isopods (Porcellionides pruinosus) 10 Countorange cream isopod on leaf litter
lava isopod on leaf litterlava isopod on leaf litter
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bioactive cleanup crewtemperate white springtails culture

Shop our collection of the best bioactive bugs for terrariums. We’ve curated the most effective (and exotic) terrarium cleanup crew springtails and isopods.