Papaya Isopods (Cubaris murina) 10 Count

Sale price$29.95

Cubaris murina are an ideal entry-level "ducky-faced" isopod species, and they keep coming out in increasingly stunning colors! These Papaya Isopods are one of the more popular morphs, and their creamy pink coloration makes they're a lovely addition to a tropical setup or isopod pet collection. 

Color morph selected: Papaya Isopods

📦 We ship live goods on Mondays & Tuesdays. Check out our live arrival guarantee! (+ how to qualify).

No extra charge for insulated packaging or heat/cold packs!

Cubaris murina "Papaya" Isopods

Care Specs & Uses

Suitable Environments

Tropical | Temperate

Suitable Uses


Preferred Temperature Range

70-80Âş Fahrenheit

How your culture arrives 📦

water droplet icon

Sphagnum Moss

Isopods are shipped in sphagnum moss to keep them hydrated and comfortable during the journey.

icon of star plus knife and fork

Isopod Superfood

A sprinkle of our signature isopod superfood will keep the isopods fed and healthy in transit.

leaf icon

Mixed Leaf Litter

A litte leaf litter serves as both a healthy snack and a natural bedding.


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*Please bear in mind that these are live animals that are subject to their own whims and differences. While we can advise on best practices, we cannot speak in absolutes when it comes to behavior or care.Â